Monday, September 3, 2012

FHE September

 The Terry's were in charge of FHE this month. Their lesson was on treating our bodies like a temple and taking care of them. The activity was to show us how important every part of our body is.None of the pictures turned out from that because they were all blurry from all of the movement!lol Sharon had to walk up and down the stairs without bending her knees, Johnny had to sit down and stand up only using one leg, Abigail had to walk around with her eyes closed, Brooklyn had to get across the room with no knees, Rob had to write his name with no hands, and I had catch with one hand. It was quite the site to see. I should have recorded it, but just thinking about it is pretty funny too.

Grandma made a super yummy dinner that everyone loved and had new bubble guns which of course were a hit. Once again another fun night with Weavers. I love them.

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