Thursday, September 27, 2012

brother/sister from another mother!

We have known the Kinikini family since, well since I was I born!! Fui is the second to youngest boy in the family, and we have literally watched him grow up before our eyes. I remember the day before I left on my mission Keilyn, Fui, and I went downtown to all the church sites and took all these dorkie pics, we thought we were hilarious, well we were hilarious. Anyway that seems like ages kinda Fui has gone and come back from his own mission. I love seeing freshly returned missionaries how they are suddenly mature, grown men standing in front you. I am so impressed with Fui. He calls all his new members every week to make sure they are still going to church and give his support. He truely learned to love the people. He is going to marry Casey, which we knew he would before he left, in the spring. She is just the cutest sweetest girl ever. I am so happy for them!!

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