Friday, September 14, 2012

birthday girl

My sister April's bday is on Sept. 11th. I am very close to all of my sisters, really close to April considering we live down the street from each other :) Like I have said before my sisters are everything to me. April has helped me through things you wouldn't even begin to believe. She's always been great at swooping in and saving the superman. Whether we get irritated or annoyed, at the end of the day we are sisters and nothing trumps family. I love her and don't always say it cuz, well that would be kinda weird to say all the time, but I hope she knows it. This year I have a goal to make a quilt for all of my siblings out of my Dad's old clothes. My friend Sarah has been so nice and has helped me out a ton!! Aprils is the first one I am making. I wasn't going to post pics till I was done, but I couldn't wait!!
Ok so here is a rough draft. This is the fabric all laid out before I started sewing. All of us kids will have identical hearts on our quilts. Those shirts have memories for all of us. Aprils quilt also has some bonnetball t's and hunter stake track shirts in it, because my Dad was her coach for years and years.

I'm actually doing ALL of the sewing. I'm still learning but I am so grateful to Sarah for making me do it. She said when I was done I would want to say I did it myself, and she's right. Thanks Sarah!! Jay and Sheila were so nice to let me bombard their house and do the sewing there. Jay even helped supervise a little lol.
I will post pics of the finished project when it is done...I'm so excited!!

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