Thursday, September 27, 2012

so sweet!!

 Lucas got a surprise package in the mail!! It was from Grandma! I guess they had talked about getting stuff in the mail so she thought it would be nice for Lucas to have a fun surprise delivered. It was full of sweet treats, and a sweet note. As I read the letter out loud to
Lukie he giggled and got a little shy. That was his 6 yr old way of being touched by such a loving gesture. I was equally as touched and surprised. Once again I am so so grateful for Sheila and for what a loving, kind, caring, and giving Grandma she is to my children. We love you Grandma!

brother/sister from another mother!

We have known the Kinikini family since, well since I was I born!! Fui is the second to youngest boy in the family, and we have literally watched him grow up before our eyes. I remember the day before I left on my mission Keilyn, Fui, and I went downtown to all the church sites and took all these dorkie pics, we thought we were hilarious, well we were hilarious. Anyway that seems like ages kinda Fui has gone and come back from his own mission. I love seeing freshly returned missionaries how they are suddenly mature, grown men standing in front you. I am so impressed with Fui. He calls all his new members every week to make sure they are still going to church and give his support. He truely learned to love the people. He is going to marry Casey, which we knew he would before he left, in the spring. She is just the cutest sweetest girl ever. I am so happy for them!!

party animals

 Rob and Dustins work party was at Hogle Zoo!! It was so much fun! They had face painting and hula hoop contests, a great big dinner, and best of all it was only open to their company so it was not crowded and we got to spend a lot of time at the new polar exhibit which the kids were dying over! They were literally running to see each thing! It was all very exciting!

The kids really wanted me to take a pic of this particular elephant..can you see why??

 I've heard bad reveiws of this exhibit, but I loved everything about!

It's cool having Rob and Dustin work at the same place and being able to go to a work party with was such a good time!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

We HUGGED Gavin Rossdale!!

This pic was taken the moment after we hugged him....priceless!!
 So Rob allowed me to be a total nerd this weekend and fullfill my dream of being a groupie, by following Bush down to California, even thoough we just saw them here LOL Man was it worth it!! Gavin came out into the crowd, like we knew he would, cuz he did last time, BUT this time me and Amanda were ready for it!! We were right by an isle!! I showed him my shirt that said "I LOVE GAVIN" and gave him a real, two armed hug!! We were covered in his sweat lol!! Needless to say it was AMAZING lol our new motto for life when crap happens is "so what, I hugged Gavin!!"

This is after we calmed downed a bit...soaking it all in

There he is behind us..neither of us thought to take a picture WHILE hugging him....

getting ready for the concert, eating dinner, if we only knew what was about to take place.....

um...this is the biggest salad EVER, it's called "the lawnmower" dave & busters yum....

even stewie was there to see BUSH!! By the way we also saw Deftones and Stone Temple Pilots...there was show was also awesome

killing time in the day hanging at the mall

our hotel room was so cute, decorated with browns, orange, and yellows, like somebody else I know....

We also met Chalene Johnson, creator of Turbo, and took her class!!

along with her sister Janelle, who is like my new Idol btw!!

The class was killer! I loved it!!

While I was gone, Grandma and Grandpa took Jonah and Lucas to Ogden watch our nephew Spencers football game :) I love knowing my kids are in such great hands while I'm gone
and apparantly Jonah got stuck in a box and Daddy laughed him and took a picture LOL
and Grandpa had to do work downtown so they got to play around the capitol

April had Kaleb and Coco, Kenzie colored Coco's bangs lavander...sounds crazy I know but it is super cute!! more pics to come....