Monday, July 30, 2012

Robbie is 30!

 For Robs big 3-0 I thought it would be nice for him to hang with some of the Elders from the mish. Elder Rona, Elder Weaver, Elder Pomeroy.......aka Shay, Rob, Kevin LOL!! Pomeroys beard is for a new church film, he is unrecognizable with it!!
                                                     candy cake for my candy lover
 Rob has been working with the kids every night on writing there names, I thought he'd like to see his work pay off.
There is describing words all over this that kids told me about their dad...some of my favorites are; big, scary, dancer, driver, cute, and beautiful lol.
Gotta thank pinterest for this one :) Rob has been asking me for pictures for him to take to work for his desk. I think this is a pretty good start.

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