Friday, July 6, 2012

Land that I love!!

The 4th of July was wonderful as always :) We had out traditional breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma Weaver and their ward. (only Rob wasn't with us this year he was working :() The food was scrumptious and Jonah even chowed down on the pancakes. It's fun to show the kids off to people who knew Rob as a kid and let them know how great he turned out.

 Then off we went to meet up with Kim & kids (we are always husbandless together) and headed over to Sarahs for her annual 4th of July BBQ. All the kids looked so cute I wish they would have let me get a group picture.

Then finally I was able to meet up with my hubby and we went and saw The Amazing Spider-man.....and it was amazing. I think I cried about 4 times!! It was incredible. You HAVE to see it.

THEN we headed to Boyacks for another BBQ and fireworks. Hamiltons, Selvages, Parrys, Trish, also joined in the fun. The kids got along great and loved the fireworks. We had a little scare with one of them tipping over and shooting all over the place, and Lucas ended up with a mysterious hole in his shirt.....other than that it was a blast, and we were exhausted!!


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