Monday, July 23, 2012

Rachel and co.

Coco has been asking to go to Gabriel's house so I called up Rachel and we ended up spending Friday morning/afternoon over at their house. We had the kid's make "home-made" lunchables and eat lots of fruit. I love watching them interact together, they crack me up.
 Gabriel ALWAYS makes me laugh so hard. His little language is so hard to understand but it makes perfect sense to him. He always has so much energy and is constantly moving. He is just like his daddy lol.

 Eve is two weeks younger than Jonah, can you believe it???? He is almost twice her size. She is just such a little sweetie and was cooing away all morning. :) She has a pretty little voice.
 It's always funny to watch Coco in the mix of all the boys, she can definitly hold her own.

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