Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I've created a monster!

Our children have it in their blood to be gamers. You cannot be made from a Fisher and a Weaver and not like to play games. I have been making sure that all of our FHE's have some type of a game in them. I have taught them all to play this Batman board game, that just between me and you I don't even really know the real rules, but they sure do like my made up version :) But the absolute kicker has been Slap Jack. Kaleb is OBSESSED!! He wants to play it way longer than everyone else and is constantly saying "you want to play cards with me?" Here is where he crossed the line..I woke up early yesterday morning, before my alarm even went off, and it goes off at 7:30am, to a dark figure starring at me, breathing in my face saying "mommy, do you want to play cards with me?" What the heck man??!! That boy is crazy!! LOL 


  1. Cicily you are amazing. You are always doing something fun, crafty, sporty, and then you play board games a lot with your kids! Yikes girl, your making me look bad, Uh.... inspiring me. =) We miss playing games with you. Lately its been just Mari and I. WE tried to get Craig to play with us the other night, but as fun as it was, never again. At least not the Bean Game.

  2. Thanks Mindy that was really nice! LOL why is the bean game so hard to add players to?? It's like everyone doesn't get our lingo or something??
