Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas 2012

My Dad started the Fisher Christmas Eve tradition of going out to Chinese food for dinner. It was always in the same place. Ding Ho. Then they closed down. So for years afterwards it was at Formosa Grill. Last year to our disappointment, they closed down. Nothing can make us break this tradition. Nothing! So this year we found ourselves at Kowloons. The last couple years the Rasmuseen family has shared in this tradition with us, and last year Christie and I have started the tradition of giving eachother let's say "embarassing couple" gifts.....Rob says thank you by the way:) Rob had to work on Christmas so he was not with us :( but is was still wonderful and I love seeing all the kids together. I love the holidays!

So we had to do Christmas Eve presents without Daddy which was a shame because the kids were sooo cute and soooo excited!
Dr Weaver

We made special gifts for our very special neighbors Rob and Ann. We love them to death. They really really are grandparents to my little kiddos and we are sososo thankful for them in our lives. They are soooo kind and patient to my rugrats it is unbelievable. Robert made us a special DVD of photos and videos of times the kids have spent in their home. I LOVE IT. Probably one of the best gifts anyone has ever given me. It made my mom that's a good gift.
Rachel and I made homemade, all natural body cream, bath salts, body scrub, and lip was very cool if I don't say so myself :)
Our friend Trish was in town for the day and the kids were soooo happy to see here. Coco was so upset when she had to leave she started crying :(
Our Weaver Family Christmas party is always the day after Christmas which I just love because it means Christmas is a day longer for us!! We spent the entire day, literally, eating, playing games, laughing and talking. The grandkids all draw names for gifts, this year even tho Nick is on his misision in Georgia he still wanted to be apart of it and had Kaleb. He had mailed the gift in advanced and Kaleb has seen the package under grandmas tree for a while. He could not wait to open it. Nick sent him an Atlanta Falcons piggy bank...sooo freaking cute!!
The kids were all so excited about their gifts. What I thought was really cool was this year they were begining to understand the concept of gifts. They almost more excited about who they were giving gifts to and who had them, and the special bond that comes with picking out gifts for people. It was cute.
Jonah and his Cortney...priceless.
All in all it was a wonderful Christmas!!!---but I'm glad it's over :)

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