Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sun Devils

People  always ask us why we go to AZ so cuz I love Arizona! We only lived there for 3 1/2 years but I feel like it is such a big part of me. All of my kids but Jonah were born there. We bought our first house there. I made friendships there that will last a lifetime. I have two sisters, 1 and a half bro in laws (haha Will :)) 1 nephew and 1 soon to be, hopefully niece. Rob has been awesome about all these trips and has allowed me to spend one on one time with each of our kids and give each of them their own vacation experiences. This time was mr. Kalebs turn. He has waited patiently all summer for this. He had a blast and is still worn out. I'm worn out too, and no offense to my sisters, but I think this might be my last Phoenix trip for awhile (at least until Breaking Dawn 2lol) it takes a lot out of me and takes a couple days to recover!!
 Did you know ASU has changed their mascot??!! They got rid of Sparky and now it is just a pitch fork :(
                                           We hiked "A" mountain. It was HOT lol
                                            Us up on the wall at "A" mountain
                                    Kaleb did awesome!! He didn't tell me his legs hurt once!

                    See that TALL tower? The tallest one in the pic....That's Will's apartment!!
                                               We should have been in the Olympics :(
                                                           We swam at Mindi's....

                                             peter piper pizza is the pizza people pick
                                       Kaleb played skiball the WHOLE time we were there!

                                                  We went swimming at Anika's........
                                                              chillin on Will's balcony
                                                   We went swimming at Will's........
 Daria is my nephew Nick's girlfriend. He is in the MTC right now. She is from AZ so we met up and took Kaleb to MIB3. She is so cute, I freaking LOVE her. What's crazy is it turned out my sister Mindi is her mom's visiting teacher! small, freaking, world!
                                                                     Red Robin
                        I think this looks like a CD cover, now only if we could sing.......
 And we went swimming at Will's a second time.....

                                                        and played pool at Will's

 And swimming at Cami's.....did I mention we went swimming??
Kaleb was such a little cutie pie the whole time. It was so funny watching him, it was like he didn't know what to do without his siblings around, even being surrounded by his cousins. I am glad he had a little time to figure out what things he likes on his own and to get to know HIMSELF a little better.


  1. Looks like such an awesome trip! BUT, big BUT, you just HAD to show Peter Piper Pizza didn't you!!!? LOL If Cali has one, were going!! Haha. Oh and I thought I heard you could sing?? On a voicemail?? One time a while back?? Maybe i'm mistaken?.... Hmmm ;)
    Love ya

  2. HEY you are NEVER supposed to mention that out loud!!JK you could probably youtube it LOL
