Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I love to see the temple

 Every fast Sunday we meet at Weavers for FHE. It was our turn for the lesson so the topic was the temple. The temple has ment so much to me lately. I am finally understanding a bit of it's importance and love getting away from the world and the every day pish posh of unimportant things. I feel so much love and peace there. This last time I went to Logan temple with Porters before Nick left on his mission was really a full circle (a good full circle) day for me, and also gave me another "ah-ha" moment to think about. We had everyone who has been to the temple share their testimonies and experiences. It was great. I love being with the Weavers.
 After testimonies we split up into groups and made temples out of sugar cubes and frosting. Russ and Sheri even made an angel Moroni out of a reeses wrapper lol.


                                                     Chase and Zachs monster face
                                                    Jonah luvin his attention from Cort.
                                        We took our fire pit over and had smores for dessert.
 Coco has become obsessed with Sydney and thinks she is "Tangled" and is adimit about wearing her hair down every day now.

 Sheri doing the booty dance for Russ. lol just kidding but thats what it looks like :)

                                                                    Grumpa supervising

                                                                Sisters :)

1 comment:

  1. That sure was a fun night! Great lesson! Glad to have you as a Weaver sister! Definitely NOT a booty dance! LOL
