Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Men at work

I thought this was such a cute pic. Rob and Jeremy were working on Robs bike, and Lukie was right along with them. Jeremy is one of Robs BFF's. He just got back from Africa, he was there for a month and a half doing medical seminars. He showed us the most amazing pictures and told us the most touching, heart breaking stories. He says the experience changed his life forever. I believe it. It really, really helps to put things in perspective (again). We have so much, even on the days we struggle is nothing compared to the people, mostly children, he was telling us about. Mothers were begging for him to take their children back to the states just so they would have the oppurtunity to live. Sisters we sacrificing their own lives so that their siblings might have something to eat or drink, and many of the children in the pictures he shared, he wasn't even sure if they are still alive. I am so so so thankful for what I have and for the healthy children I have. I can't even imagine......

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