Sunday, August 19, 2012

Say Hello to Heaven

We have a niece, Alexi, who passed away as a baby. Every year for her birthday we meet as a Weaver family and send balloons to her. Some people may think it's weird, but it is amazing. I can't even tell you of the love and spirit that I feel there as we do this. It's another beautiful reminder of the importance of knowing that families are forever. It's a witness of a mother's strength and love. And a small taste of the bond between brothers and sisters. As sad as it is, I love going there and having my kids be apart of this wonderful experience. There is a song called "Say Hello to Heaven" that Chris Cornell sings and the chorus just kept playing in my mind. It was so touching.

After the cemetary we headed to Sharons and Johnnys for breakfast. It was yummy, the kids all play so well together, and we had great conversation. Have  I mentioned I love hanging with the Weavers??

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine anyone thinking this is weird. This is actually really touching and beautiful idea! Gave me goosebumps to think about. That song is actually a remake by an old group Temple Of The Dog. Great song.. So sweet Cic. :)
