Tuesday, October 30, 2012

more October fun!

 so many activities in such a short period of time!! Jackson invited me an the kids over to warm up in the hot tub. The kids loved going "swimming" even tho it was freezing outside this day! Jonah, Jackson and I watched from the side lines and we all warmed up with yummy hot chocolate from Beans and Brews after...very fun day :) My boys now think they will be Jacksons roomates when they are "big".

On Saturday we had the Rona's Halloween party so for our special treat the kids and I made "Vampire Bites".  They had so much fun making them with me and were great little helpers.

 They turned out super yummy and were gone before the end of the party...yay!

 Finally all dressed up as a family!!

 Lucas didn't want to be apart of our Batman theme lol

 Rachels favorite holiday is Halloween. She always decorates all out and has the cutest stuff!!

 Two-face, Joker, Catwomen, Poison Ivy, Batman, The Riddler, The Peguin :)

 Sunday morning was the kids Primary program. They did great and I always get a kick out of watching all those kids on the stand..they are hilarious!
 Christies son Micheal is finally 8! He has been talking about this day for two years!! They did a football themed birthday party. It was so fun I felt like I was at a Superbowl party! Good job Chris!

THEN Sunday evening we had Deckers Halloween Party which was also so fun and cute! It was a chili cook off with tons of cute halloween treats. I was an idiot and left my phone home and for some reason the pics from Robs phone are not downloading to dropbox.....so here is a couple pics Kim sent me from the party and I will post more pictures when I figure this out! :/
 BTW...I won best costume!! YAY! lol how funny how something so little makes me so happy lol
 On Monday I worked in the Preschool class...sandtable day....at first I thought "UGH!"  but they got this great new sand call "Jurassic Sand" it is amazing stuff!! I couldn't stop touching it! It's red sand, cold, doesn't clump, even if you get it wet, and the kids LOVED it! Soooo fun!

Coco and Kaleb love it when it's our turn for treats. Today we made  Halloween treat bags (of course, tis the season) and when little Jackson saw them he said "wow! this is a good treat!" and ate the whole thing with a smile on his face....made me happy :)

 Coco was the only girl in class this day and she was walking around like she ruled the world....very funny

This Preschool offers so many great learning tools...I am very happy with it and my kids LOOOOVE it here.

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