Wednesday, October 10, 2012

people make me laugh literally's a few examples of people adding amusement to my life....
 These three little cuties on their first field trip! (to the zoo lol never been there before) they were most excited about the bus!! That's all Lucas would talk about...and his "girlfriend" Azlin, who yes, is he still planning on marrying....
These are the edible center pieces Sheila made for FHE on Sunday! They were a hit with everyone. She always puts so much thought and effort into our big family dinners. I hope she knows we recognize all of her hard work and creativity.
 ok so my hairdo in this pic makes me wish I could say this was taken forever ago....thnx EVERYONE for letting me know I looked like I had a dead perm that day!! UM and this was the best pic of us that day out of quite a few to choose from, if that doesn't make you laugh I don't know what will....
 actually, maybe our daughters me one and two
 This was during Saturday morning conference!! Jonah was totally absorbing all of it!! He was listening sooo intently!
 gotta love newborns....Elijah Anthony Delgado...2 days old!!! Congratulation to new mommy Kristin who is starting all over..enjoy the ride!
this little cutie pie, Eve, scrunches her nose when she laughs!! how adorable is that??

"these are a few of my favorite things.."

if you didn't sing that last line, re-read it while's so much better that way :)

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