Friday, December 7, 2012


I'm not gonna lie (today, this second) November was a very, very hard month for me. It was emotionally draining and I had to deal with things I hate dealing with. My poor family got the brunt of my stress. I am so thankful to all of the many wonderful people I have in my life to lean on and who never give up on me and who are, well, just there. Inspite of all the chaos November also had some hands down very happy, memorable moments, here are a few.....

sound crazy?? so what?!!! This was sooooo fun! I literally laughed for four days straight and it was much much needed. April, Mari, Rachel, Amanda and I took off to AZ to meet up with my other two sisters Mindi and Cami (and Will) for a Twilight marathon and of course the much anticipated Breaking Dawn 2!!

Why do my fingers look like that??? hmmmmm

die hards lol

beautiful AZ view and beautiful April :)

tickets for our marathon yay!!

me and cams...I hate my face

Sushi lunch yummy

tired little sweethearts

so precious

ugh! I'm so mad this pic is so dark! Will took us to an amazing restaurant I wish you could so how cool it was! 

We hiked the Mormon trail (some of it) I love Arizona!!

Mindi is the mastermind behind all the Twilight stuff. It was such a blast.

This is the end of the night, we watched 5 movies together! If thats not love I don't what is. We are fam-i-ly!
BTW part 2 was AMAZING!

Cami and Will were here for Thanksgiving. This was one of my favorite by far. We had our Turduckin and Will made his yummy lasagna. We laughed and played games, it was perfect. The next day we took Cami and Will to CityCreek , they didn't know what it was lol, and went to the temple to watch the lights get turned on. Just so you know there is no ceremony or anything, the lights literally just turn on lol. The day after that was Cami's bday we went to Tsunami and saw the new James Bond, whatever it is called. It was an absolutely perfect holiday. I love being with my family.

                                        JONAH IS ONE!!

My little Bubba is getting so old! It makes me so sad! He such a little cutie I want him to stay a baby forever. I've been promised that my children "will be a joy and a comfort" to me and as much as they drive me crazy they truly are my joy and are always, always there to comfort me. They are real sweethearts when they wanna be. Jonah has added so much to our family, I don't know where we would be with out him.

I also enjoyed our monthly Weaver temple trip. We went to Jordan River and Geckos for dinner afterwards. I wanted a picture, but once again my pphone is LAME! Anyway Rob had to work so I went without him. I love our temple nights and am so glad we do them. I really, really lucked out on the "inlaw" department. I love that I can confide in them and trust them. I love you guys!

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