Saturday, July 20, 2013

"um, just so you know, Jonah has a hitting problem."

ugh, I lost it. I'm usually pretty good at holding back and waiting till I get home to vent to Robby. But enough, is enough, is enough. 

So, ANY mom should, if they really thought about it know where I am coming from. Think back, your child, your toddler, your BABY who is not even two years old, has an issue. A socially unacceptable, hurtful, frustrating, naughty issue. Just for fun let's say it is "hitting" that we are talking about here. So you do EVERYTHING in your power to fix it. You listen and take advice, whether asked for or not. Consider opinions given, whether valid or not. You google strangers stories and try the things that worked for them and then go back and try the things that didn't, because yes, you are THAT desperate. 
 You watch others try to discipline and teach your child, and take it all with a grain of salt cuz you are sure they are just trying to help and hey, whoever can get thru to him, more power to em. You reward, you scold, you cry, you beg, you ignore, you smother, you love,  you do it all. And then suddenly, you have it, a GREAT day, a break through, finally the heavens have opened up and poured down it's blessings on you and your baby. You feel like the two of you should have your picture and story posted in PARENT magazine cuz well, you two just have the greatest, open, communative mother-son relationship EVER, in fact your pretty sure any moment someone is going to knock on your door and give a great big gold star that has "#1 mommy" engraved on it......and then.....
you go around other people. It's fun, it's crazy, it's chaos. And then comes the dreaded sound of skin on skin slapping. "no no Bubba, be soft." slap "Jonah say sorry" hit "Jonah no, be nice, be soft" hit, hit, smack, smack, scream. and then the worst part of all "Jonah's mean. He has a hitting problem"

"Really?!?!?! This is brand new information!! I will start research on this new development IMMEDIATELY and expect quick and positive results! Guess what else I learned today?? The sky is blue and grass is green! It's just one heck of an eye opener day for me! yay!"

On a more serious note..YOU are calling a BABY, MY BABY mean. He may look like he's 3 1/2 but he doesn't even turn two until the END of November. And, this may come as a surprise...he is my fourth child...NUMBER 4! This is not my first ride around the block. He and I are trying our very best to learn and grow and get thru this phase, just to begin the next. I am a good Mom. I am aware of my children and their struggles. Jonah is my imperfect sweetheart with a hitting problem. You are a grown up calling my baby names. Who is the bully??

++this post was not ment to offend or hurt anyone who has said anything to me in passing about this situation I am in...I'm just simply sharing a story in my journal that is public for all to read and interpret how they choose. 

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