Sunday, December 16, 2012

I got what I wanted

Remember how I said all I kept praying for was "peace and strength"? I got it :) Well at lest the peace part. Yesterday was such a breeze. A breathe of fresh air if you will. We were busy but everything flowed so smoothly. We  went from one thing to the next with out a struggle and I felt well--at peace. With myself, with my surroundings, with everything. It was....nice.
Coco and I started the day off nice and early with our favorite little Annie. She had a friends and family dance recital to end the year and showcase what they have been working so hard on. Annie is my little babysitter and we all just LOVE her to pieces. When I see her and Coco together I could swear they were sisters, except for I am Coco's mom and know that they are not :) She is so great to my kids and so influential to my Coco. She is a wonderful, inspiring role model, not just for my kids, but also for me.
Next up was our Weaver temple day. This time we met for lunch at Lionhouse---yummmm, and did a session at Salt Lake Temple. We met up at 11:30 and were not headed out of the parking lot until about 4:00.To be able to fill the day like that with family, and good feelings was awesome. I forgot how BEAUTIFUL Salt lake is inside. Each room is prettier than the last. It's humongous to say the least, yet so comfy and cozy. I love it here. It's so nice to take a little time to get your heart, mind, and will set on the same path, in a straight line. Get some good perspective and re-evaluate your priorities. I think I even felt some of that strength I've been searching for creeping up on me :)
We finished the day off with a late-late showing of The Hobbit. Rob has been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for this. It was well worth the wait. It was great. I even loved it. Some friends we were with might not believe me....I kept having to wake myself up...BUT I want it noted I was not falling asleep because it was boring...I was just soooooooo tired! I absolutely loved it and keep replaying parts of it in my mind. The dwarf- king -guy, now there is some die hard, will and strength if I have ever seen some. Hmmmm...I should pin him on pinterest on my "people that I love" board...LOL!!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it so funny how we never see ourselves as others see us. I think that you are one of the strongest people I know. Others sometimes say that I am strong, but I never feel strong. Why is it so much easier for us to believe the bad, but not the good? I am so glad to have a chance to get to know you better. I am so glad that you are my sister.
