Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away...

It's funny how a glimmer of yesterday, can make you question your today. One moment you can be so confident about who are, so sure of where you are headed "for one brief moment heavens view, appears before my gaze" the next ashamed of where you have been, wondering if you are living a lie. In a room full of people, you can feel so alone. In your head there is a constant battle, as if there is literally an angel on one shoulder and devil on the other, fighting over your true identity.

While listening to general conference this last weekend one phrase rang in my ears that I am still clinging to, "no pain will last forever". Half of me hopes this is true, prays and pleads that it is so. The other half knows without a shadow of doubt that it is. I've had pain washed away that felt like it would last an eternity, that now is only a dream-like memory.

Faith proceeds the miracle. Faith proceeds the miracle. Faith proceeds the miracle.....

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