Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter in Bear Lake

We had such a great weekend!! April (my sis) invited us up to their cabin for Easter (we always do Easter dinner together). It was so perfect there, of course, Bear lake is always beautiful, the kids were great, the weather was great, it was great, great, great lol. The Boyack fam came up with us. It's always nice when friends join us on holidays so we actually feel like we have a big family. We played games for literally hours on end everyday, and I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants (twice).

We tried going to an easter egg hunt on Saturday at Garden City park, but for some reason it had been canceled. We think the locals were just trying to keep us out, but little did they know we were determined to stay and have a good time! They had a crazy blue swing everyone was obsessed with trying, Rob gave me one push and I thought I was going to puke my guts out, blah. OH! And they had teather ball poles and balls there. I love teather ball!! Rob thinks I'm a cheater but he never said that strings weren't allowed before I served the ball so.....

Dying Easter eggs is always chaos. It seriously stresses me out! I don't even get why we do it??? I seriously would like to know why this is a must, when did it start, who came up with it, and why???!!

The Easter Bunny not only knew we were all at the cabin, he also brought new scooters for everyone! What a rad rabbit!!

He also hid all the eggs we had colored the night before...douche.

We took the kids to the beach and of course they had a blast. The weather was amazing! I am getting so excited for summer! Jonah loves to be outside and feel the sun on his face. It really was a great weekend. I couldn't have asked for a better Easter. :)

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