Sunday, April 29, 2012

Home is where your underwear is

So I went to AZ last week with my sister April. We took Kenzie, Lukie, and Jonah. We stayed with my sister Mindi. I kept referring to her place as "home". "when we get home we can go swimming", "we'll eat when we get home". Lucas asked if we live in Arizona now, I told him no. "then why do you keep calling it home?!" April responded with "home is where your underwear is". Lucas was quit satisfied with that answer and didn't ask again the whole trip. :)

We went to Tempe Town Lakes...which is one of my favorite places ever. You can rent paddle boats and row boats. Some people go fishing. There are two train tracks on bridges headed opposite directions, Luke could watch them all day (if it wasn't 107 degrees!).

We went to the Phoenix Zoo which I miss sosososo much! They have a sting ray exhibit and we happened to be there at feeding time. It was so fun to pet them and play with them. The train ride there is 25min long and takes you along the entire zoo, of course Lucas was in heaven.

We went swimming (of course) thats what you do in AZ!!

Will and Cami had us over for dinner and made THE best chicken parmesan EVER!! His apartment is amazing and they are just the cutest couple ever.

We spent time chillin in the apartment just spending time together as a family.

We stayed in Mesquite on the way home. Kenzie and Lukie did so great!!

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great trip. I can totally tell Cami is your sister.
