Wednesday, October 2, 2013

beware of the heat

 Kaleb woke me up Monday morning saying"Mommy this eye won't open all they way" I opened my eyes and saw his face was swollen and red and assumed it was allergies, we had been to a friends Sunday night to roast marshmellows and he had been sticking his face in the smoke from the fire, I thought it was from that because he is super sensitive to everything, just like me. So I kept him doped up on Benedryl for an entire day...
His swelling started to go away but his face started blistering. He actually had gotten burned from the heat of the fire because he kept sticking his face so close!! Poor little guy. We have had to treat it like a very very bad sunburn or windburn, today when I dropped him off at school it looked like his eyelids were flaking off...he is healing quickly but talk about guilt...I feel sooo bad!!

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