Sunday, October 20, 2013

AZ trip Fall 2013

Well it was time to head back to AZ to hang out with my sissy's so April, Amanda and I packed up and headed out...
Our fist night was the Depeche Mode concert..luved it! Very chill, relaxing on the grass listening to music, doesn't get much better than that!

Of course we did a few hikes, that's one of the main things I love about AZ!!

Will kept up the tradition of taking us to some new, crazy, funky restaurant...Sochu House, Phx

And of course we spent much of our time chilaxin by the pool, talking, talking, talking,and just luvin being together!

On our way home was our stop in Vegs for the Dane Cook show!!

A quick stop in Saint George at Swig for the best sugar cookies EVER...
and then home to the warm arms of little babies :)

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