Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Grade

 We made it thru our first week of first grade! Luke has grown up so stinkin much it amazes me! He really is such a good boy. He is constantly learning, growing, and trying to be the best that he can be. He is highly critical of himself which breaks my heart because I truely know how he feels and wish I could make him see what a great little guy he is. Inspite of his insecurities he is brave and forges on and is happy. I can see him force himself to do things even when he is unsure and I really admire that. He has said bye without looking back, took school lunch when he wasn't sure if he would be able to remember his lunch number, and one day even rode his bike to and from school without any help. He loves school and his great new teacher, and loves that he gets to take a storm trooper lunch box with him...who wouldn't?? 

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