Monday, June 18, 2012

My man's day

Rob is one of the most open minded, non-judgemental, forgiving person I have ever met. He has a soft spot for people who have,or who are trying to change or better their lives. He is the biggest dork I know, and I absolutely LOVE that about him. He could care less what people think about him, and helps to make me feel completly comfortable, and confident with who I am. He believes that I am strong because of my battles instead of weak. I fall in love with him all over everytime he points that out to me. He works so hard to give me and the kids the things we need and want. He is your all around good guy. I love you baby...Happy Fathers Day!!

After church we went up to Brighton for a picnic and then walked around Silver Lake. The kids did great and Rob of course loved it.

 Two of the best Dads I know. Dustin has bailed me out of some real sticky situations ever since I was a teenager. He has seen me at the lowest points of my life and has never given up on me. He is never ashamed of sharing his beliefs, and I really appreciate that about him.

 Lucas could not believe his eyes when he saw the "snow makers" "ooohhhh!!! So that's where it comes from!" LOL

We took turns carrying tubba-bubba. Man he is HEAVY!! My turn was a little shorter than Rob's.

For dinner I made one of the many yummy recipes off pinterest. So yes, people actually do the things they pin ( that's to all those pinterest critics!)
Penne pasta with alfredo sauce-loaded with Italian seasoning. Baked chicken smothered with sour cream, parmessen cheese, and the crust is made out of corn flakes and ...italian seasoning!
I made the cupcakes with a new pan I got for my bday that makes it possible to bake the cake with yummy filling inside. So...these ones had marshmellow filling, rainbow cake batter, rainbow chunk frosting, and a big ol chocolate chip on top---cuz everything is better with a little chocolate.

Oh and here is some pics of Coco's hair for church. She wanted me to do it like "Tangleds" to look pretty for Daddy on Father's day.

We used the flowers Daddy got her for her dance recital.

The kids gift was also another grand idea from piniterest :) The daddy backrub shirt. They all got a kick out of it.

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