Sunday, June 3, 2012

Johnny and Sharon

Well...the big day has come and gone. Johnny and Sharon are married!! So much planning, time and work went into this wedding and reception....and it was so worth it. Everything turned out beautiful, and the party was a blast. It was touching and refreshing to see two people who have in the past been dealt really crappy hands, finally receive what they really deserve. Love, happiness, real fairytale stuff. Another day full of reminders of how important family is. It really was great and worth all the stress, even if I did develop an ulcer over it :)
 Linzi is Sharons daughter. When I came into the family she was about 9 years old. Now look at her!! She is a beautiful woman!! It blows my mind.

                                              The Mayor of Taloyrsville married them.

     Zack carried a yellow balloon down the aisle to represent Lexi, his sister who passed away.

                                                                  Baby switcheroo.

                                                       ALMOST all the Weaver siblings!!

                                               Rob and I acting like it's our wedding :) lol

 Here are a few of my assignments for the wedding. Boutiners. Glitter floral spray if the best invention EVER. I love it. Thank you Christie Rasmussen.

 Jay would have rather have me pin this on, but I needed to take the pic. Sorry Jay!!

                                        Johnny and his mom Kathy. He got the glitter rose :)
 The bouquet. I wrapped feathers around the stems. You can't really see them in this pic, but they matched the hairpiece perfectly---luckily Sharon loves feathers as much as I do.

 The hairpiece, oh the hairpiece. This turned out to be a much bigger task than I thought, the night I finished I was up till 2:00am.....BUT Sharon loved it and that's all matters!!

 And this cake is probably what gave me the ulcer. I used to do wedding cakes in college but that was oh about 9 yrs ago!! So after many tummy aches...TADA!! and to the little boy who stole a piece before he was suppose to....I know who you are, and that was not very nice!!

1 comment:

  1. You got so many pictures! I didn't even bring my camera. It was such a fun night. I'm so happy to have such great sisters (and that means you and Kathy too!)
