Monday, April 29, 2013

our teeth are falling out!

Lucas lost his first baby tooth!! He doesn't know when or where so he like literally lost it, but he is so excited! He feels like he looks like he's eight now:)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

poor bubba

poor Jonah was not feeling good at all and having a pretty rough day. It's so sad but so adorable when he just lounges and turns into a little cuddle monkey.

more tumbling hair

practice writing

For our craft this week we took paper plates and colored layers and layers of different colors of crayons with black being the last color and practiced writing names through them. For our snack we gutted oranges and filed with much fun! It was such a beautiful day too, the kids were cooling off outside with popsicles and Kaleb was running around half nakedB-)could summer be just around the corner??  

Dance America Nationals~1st place!!!{again!}

Monday, April 22, 2013


look at that precious face! His little chin is pure perfection. He was on his way to the zoo and was beaming from ear to ear. I had to try and capture it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


I  had to share this! It's so freaking cute! You buy dollar store plates, let the kids have at em with Sharpies, put in the oven at 350 for 30 min and whoa-la! Custom dinnerware! The kids had a BLAST with this! They kept saying "I can't believe we getta color on plates!" and they think it is so cool to eat off them. I bet I could even convince them to clean them.....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

proud mommy moment :/

Kaleb: Mommy do you know what "ass-jack" means?
Me:Do you mean "jack-ass" honey?
Kaleb: No. "ass-jack".
Me: Oh. No I can honestly say I don't. Do you know what it means?

Kaleb: Yep. It means don't do "ridikerus" things.
Me: Where did you learn that?
Kaleb: My TV shows.

Kathy's Shelf

My sis in law Kathy asked me to paint and distress this shelf for her. Here are some before and after pics. I am taking it over to her house tomorrow and I hope she likes it as much as I do. It turned out to be kind of an irritating process but I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE how it turned out. While I was working on it one of Coco's little friends asked what I was doing, I told her I was painting a shelf for my friend. She said "Oh ya! cuz your an artist!" she said it so matter of factly and I must admit...I took it as a compliment :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Amanda's Beeday!!

My Amanda has been in my life for around 15 years. She is one of those amazing people who truely wants you to be happy and succeed in life. She not only has seen me through the absolute worst days of my life, she has also encouraged and supported the best days. She is one of those girls that lights up the room when she walks in it. She is kind and giving and honest and well...I just absolutely love her!! So of course her birthday celebration was spread over the course of a few days cuz really she deserves the best!

two of the greatest girls ever

We went to the Spazmatics....80's cover can never be said enough, 80's music ROCKS!!

Oh Amanda is also my random picture buddy :)

Old school sista's! Some friendships can just never be broken. These ladies seriously mean the world to me!

Amanda's favorite member of the Spazmatics is obsessed.

Amanda also has that personality of being able to bring everybody together and making everybody feel comfortable...not always an easy task.
Just us girlies went and spent some relaxation time at the Homestead and it was so beautiful and rejuvinating. Here is Amanda trying to turn this frog into a prince.

We actually were able to go swimming in the Crater. I have wanted to do this my whole life! The mineral water is naturally 97 degrees, it goes 65 ft deep and is supposed to be naturally healing for your skin. It was AMAZING!

 I love pictures of food...yummy....

Guess who I am??

Sauna time

Happee Happee beeday Mana...We love your stinkin guts!! (and man are they stinky)