Saturday, March 2, 2013


 Grandma and Grandpa came by on a surprise visit and brought the twins their bday presents. As soon as Jonah had the chance he ran to sit on Grandpa's lap.
 Sheila has been working and working and working on this comforter for Coco. It has a piece from an original strawberry shortcake comforter from back in the day, added with some new fabric to spruce it up and now it is totally shabby chic!
 Coco  and Kaleb each loved their gifts..Kaleb was still looking out of it and not feeling that great..but still loved it.

 Grandma teaching the kids how to play the the way I woke up to them playing this, this morning:)

 here is some close ups of the blanket. I wanted the ties to look like all my blankets did when I was little and I absolutely love the lace strips on it.

 Coco loving her new bedding!! :)

 I have been sosososo excited for this blanket! It totally reminds me of when I was little and I KNEW Coco would just LOVE it.

Thanks Grandma  for all of your hard, hard work! We are so lucky to have you in our lives we love you!

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