Tuesday, August 20, 2013

amazing Utah discovery!!

There is a place in Alpine called Sliding Rock. You park your car, hike a mile, and literally slide on a rock...how have I not known about this??!! My sister, cousin, and I took our kids up kinda as an end of summer fun little activity and it turned into hours of fun..it really was crazy.


alexi's beeday

 We sent balloons to heaven again this year for Alexi. As always it was beautiful and had that feeling in the air that confirmed everything that I hope is true in my heart, is. Plain and simple. It's all gonna be ok. 

karate kid

 The boys had the oppurtunity to go to a couple of evaluation classes at a karate school by our house. I must admit, I've never really thought of putting any of my kids in karate, not to offend anyone, it just has always seemed kinda nerdy to me BUT look how stinken cute they look!! They absolutely LOVED it! and I truely enjoyed watching them, and just as I began to think.."well maybe they would be the 2 'cool' kids that do karate", they told me the price and we booked it outta there so fast..."seriously?" "seriously, people?!" let's just say they will not be going back. I don't need to pay $100's of dollars a month for my kids to be kinda nerdy..ok? but still, the pics ARE adorable!

girls trip

 We took our crazy girls up for a little get away in Bear Lake. It was so fun being surrounded by all girls and to hear all the cute laughing..girls rock!


Kaleb went on his first father-son camping trip, not with his own Dad but still he got to go and was so excited. I still just can't get over how fast he is growing up!!