Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cami's birdal shower

My baby sis is getting married. She drove up from Az with my older sister and Cami's maid of honor for her bridal shower this past weekend. We had a slumber party over here with my mom and sisters and just had a really nice time all of us being together which doesn't happen a ton since we all don't live in the same state. I heart mia familia 
A TRUE Fisher picture...proof I have cousins!! :)

family pic
sisters, mom, maid and matron of honor

Cams and Tessa have been BF's like literally since the day they were born, I freaking love them.

So I love, love, love to decorate I think it is the best part of a party but for some reason I always forget to take pics of it!! so as I was cleaning up I thought to snap a couple so they are not the best pics but you get the idea, it turned out pretty dang cute I must say, and our shaved ice was wedding cake flavored, how perfect is that??

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